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Visitors Intent and Why It Matters for SEO

Visitor intent governs the traffic to your site. Understanding what and why people are searching for and the way in which they searching can inform your SEO and ensure you make tweaks in the right places.

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Hi, I'm Mags.

I dedicate this website to teach entrepreneurs how to succeed online through SEO! Signup to my newsletter to get more tips how to grow your traffic faster. Be first to know when my online SEO courses are open for enrollment again!


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Are you a female entrepreneur, health and wellness professional or life coach, who is building your own site but SEO is still the elephant in the room? Then you are in the right place. I created She Knows Digital together with the seo ecourse to demystify and simplify marketing SEO  strategies and technologies so you can attract a relevant audience to your site to grow your business faster.

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